Privacy Statement of Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies


Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies respects the privacy of all visitors to this website. Personal information is not collected via this website. This website does not use cookies. This means that no information is collected about the times that you visit this website, or about your IP address or browser.

If you send Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies an e-mail requesting information as a result of a visit to this website, any necessary data (such as your name and address or e-mail address) will be used to comply with your request. Your privacy will also be respected in this regard. Any data that you provide will only be used to comply with your request and for any stated purposes. Your data will not be stored or used for other purposes.

The following implements the obligation to provide information laid down in the GDPR to data subjects whose personal data are processed by Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies. This Privacy Statement has been established in collaboration with the Netherlands Bar Association.

Privacy Statement

Article 1: Controller and communication
It is important that you know who the controller is, i.e. the recipient of the data, which is us, Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies processes personal data in order to offer services, to be able to improve services, and to communicate personally with you as the data subject.

Article 2: Objective of personal data processing
Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies processes the personal data stated below exclusively for the purposes stated below:

– provision of legal services, including performing an agreement and conducting legal proceedings and procedures;
– collection of invoices;
– giving advice, intermediary services and referral;
– fulfilling our legal and statutory obligations;
– marketing and communication activities.

Article 3: Which personal data are processed?
1. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies processes (types or categories of) personal data for the provision of services.
2.  Personal data are understood to include: first name and last name, address details, telephone number, e-mail address, citizen service number, gender, nationality.
3. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies processes the above personal data because you as a data subject provided those data on your own initiative, because these data were obtained in the context of the service provision, were communicated to us by third parties, including co-contracting parties, or have become known from public sources.

Article 4: Basis for processing personal data
1. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies processes the personal data stated above exclusively on the basis of the grounds stated below within the meaning of Article 6 of the GDPR:
– statutory obligation;
– performance of an agreement;
– permission obtained from data subject(s);
– legitimate interest.
2. The personal data are or may be requested or obtained or provided, for example via e-mail, by telephone, fax message, letter or orally.

Article 5: Sharing personal data with third parties
1. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies only shares your personal data with third parties to the extent that such is necessary for the provision of services and with due observance of the purposes referred to above. Examples are representation of the practice by another lawyer, carrying out or having a third party carry out a court-ordered expert examination, or engaging another party on behalf of and on the instructions of Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies, such as an IT supplier, but also the provision of your personal data in connection with legal proceedings, procedures or correspondence with the other party.
2. In addition, we may provide personal data to a third party, such as a supervisory authority or another body invested with public authority, to the extent that there is a statutory obligation to do so.
3. A processor’s agreement is concluded with the third party who processes your personal data on our behalf and on our instructions, as a result of which that third party is also obliged to comply with the GDPR. Any third parties engaged by Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies, who offer services as controller, are responsible for compliance with the GDPR in respect of the processing or further processing of your personal data. Examples are an accountant, tax consultant, civil-law notary, any other third party engaged for the benefit of a second opinion or expert report.

Article 6: Security of personal data
Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies attaches great value to the security and protection of your personal data, and takes care of appropriate technical and organisational measures, taking into account the state of the art, to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk. In the event that we use the services of third parties, such as an IT supplier, we will record arrangements in a processor’s agreement about adequate security measures in the context of the protection of personal data.

Article 7: Retention period of personal data
Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies does not keep personal data that are processed any longer than is necessary for the above purposes of data processing or any longer than is required by law or regulations.

Article 8: Privacy rights of data subjects1.
You can send an objection or a request for inspection, adjustment, limitation, transferability of data, removal of your personal data or withdrawal of any permission given previously via the contact details stated below. You will be informed in more detail within four weeks of receipt of your request.
2. Circumstances may occur in which we cannot or cannot fully comply with your request as a data subject. Examples are the obligation of secrecy of lawyers and statutory retention periods.
3. You may address any requests referred to above to:

Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies
Noord Brabantlaan 303
5657 GB Eindhoven
085 – 902 1621

4. In order to ensure that we provide the relevant personal data to the right person on the basis of your request, for verification purposes we request that you submit a photocopy of a valid passport, driving licence or identity document with a covered passport photograph and citizen service number. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies only deals with requests that relate to your own personal data.

Article 9: Use of social media
The website of Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies includes buttons and/or links that enable the promotion or sharing of web pages on social media networks or third-party websites such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies does not supervise and is not responsible for the processing of your personal data by and via such third parties. The use of those social media is therefore completely at your own risk. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of third parties before you use their services.

Article 10: Adjustment to the privacy statement
Osnabrugge Advocatuur & Advies has the right to change the contents of this privacy statement at any time without any prior notice. Adjustments to the privacy statement are published on our website. Please consult our website on a regular basis to stay up to date.

Questions & Contact
If you have any questions or comments about the processing of your personal data and about this privacy statement, please contact E.J. Osnabrugge, LLM. The contact details are stated above.

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